Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fight or Flight

Standing Bow

Its 105F degrees and 40% humidity and you are fighting against the heat and the beads of perspiration. 90 minutes and 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. What has it taught me?
Some say its a torture chamber and its killing yourself. Some attest to a stronger back and healthier body. This is Bikram Yoga.

My first experience was rather interesting as I breezed through the 90 minutes of class without panting nor dizziness as many have claimed. I loved it since it reminded me so much of dance. I can just hold the positions just like my dance pose. All that perspiration felt like I worked really hard while all the time I was positioned on my yoga mat. I wasn't running on the thread mill for 5 km. I wasn't having a rehearsal for a full length repertoire. I was just stretching my body and holding for 6-10 seconds. At the end of class, my towel was wet, my hair was dripping like I fell into the pool and my costume was drenched. I enjoyed every bit of it.

I took class almost everyday and sometimes I did double. As I proceed and learnt more from a fellow yogi the proper placement of the body, class got harder and more challenging. I felt that each class was more difficult than the last. That's when I learnt how to train my mind to just FOCUS. Regardless of the heat, regardless of the perspiration getting into my eyes, I have to just breathe and not give up. I learnt about perseverance and just pure Focus. Bikram's very own words were "Use your Bull-dog determination, Will power and Bengal Tiger Strength".

Coming out of the heated room, I carry the same attitude I developed in there to the outside world. No matter what I encounter, whatever distractions that come, I have learnt to tell myself to Focus and get my job done. When I'm doing the 5 km runs, sometimes the heat is scorching and the stitch is killing me, I remember how I have to Focus and not give up. I clenched my teeth and pushed myself even further and run faster.

In life, there are many distractions and obstacles that we encounter. Close your eyes and just breathe and tell yourself that you can do it. Focus and never give up.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A need to move

Matters of the Heart - Centre Dance Ensemble @ Herberger Theatre
(Dancers - Jas L, Christa C & Lisa C)

My first encounter with dance was watching my elder sister perform at Victoria Theatre. She was wearing a blue leotard, baby blue tutu and blowing bubbles on stage. That vivid image stuck with me all these years. I have to move and I cannot stop moving.

I grew up studying ballet, tap and jazz. I just love to dance. I know that's my passion. Until one day, when I was asked to perform for my church in Australia, I knew dance was a higher calling. I did a simple worship dance. After the piece ended, people were tearing and one lady came up to me and said " I felt God's presence as you danced."

When I dance, I feel a deeper connection with my creator and I just forget about all the inhibitions within me. When I move, I know I have found my purpose and calling. And I know He can use me to reach out, touch lives and change hearts when I dance for Him.

I'm moving for Him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sticky Buns

Sticky Buns
So you want pecans instead of walnuts, more raisins or cinnamon...
Make your own Sticky Buns!
I followed Ina Garten's Easy stick bun recipe and its really easy.
You can adapt the ingredients and make it your very own favorite stick bun.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I decided to give my artistic director a box of home made cookies but can't make up my mind on what flavors. I was so excited after reading through my Martha Stewart's cookies book.  I thought to myself the more the merrier and I chose four varieties. 

Top left corner- Chocolate Almond Cookies
My mum 'stole' this recipe from my aunty. Apparently these Chocolate Almond Cookies were sold at some fancy upscale hotel in Singapore. And yes! You can use Chocolate Chips instead of almonds if you are allergic to nuts.

Top right corner- Chewy Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies
These cookies are so soft when they first come out of the oven and when cooled, they become chewy and nice.
I followed Martha Stewart's Cookies book.

Bottom left corner - Chocolate and Pistachio Biscotti
I used to frequent Olio Dome and they always serve their coffee and hot chocolate with a small piece of biscotti.  Nowadays, cafes sell many variety of biscotti and some are even coated with chocolate.
I followed Martha Stewart's Cookies book.

Bottom right corner- Sugar Cookies
So if its Christmas you use Gingerbread man cookie cutter. If its Valentine's Day you use a heart shaped cookie cutter. How easy can it be? These sugar cookies are so easy to make and look inviting both plain or with festively decorated with royal icing. 
I followed Martha Stewart's Cookies book.

Kueh Pie Tee

Also known as 'Top Hats', this turnip-filled topped with your choice of shrimp, crab meat and maybe lobster meat for the Bostonians? It's relatively easy to make the filling but the Kueh Pie Tee case is a challenge. I had to get my sister from Singapore to send me the mold so I can make me some Kueh Pie Tee cases. I've looked everywhere in Arizona to Chinatown in Los Angeles to no avail. 

These little snacks are so pretty to look at and easy to enjoy since its bite-size. 

I followed Rose's Kitchen recipe:


I fell in love with this Turkish sweet pastry when I was studying in Australia. Walking down Cappuccino Strip in Freo, my eyes were drawn to the multi-layered phyllo pastry filled with chopped almonds and walnuts and sweetened with honey. And of course, you can use any chopped nuts, pistachio is a popular choice. 

I followed Donna Hay's Modern Classics Book II.

Blueberry Muffins

I think blogging helped me to realize something about myself--> I love variety.
So when you think about muffin, there are so many different ingredients you can add into the batter to transform the basic muffin to anything you can imagine. (From Apple to Blueberry to Cherry Muffins)

I followed Donna Hay's Modern Classics Book II

Kueh Lapis

When I was in Indonesia, I tried one of the best Kueh Lapis and interestingly they added plum on the top of the cake. As a kid I always wondered how did they do it, how did they managed to make so many layers in a cake.

The answer I found many years later-Many hours of standing in the kitchen in front of the oven!
You actually have to keep an eye on the cake and every two minutes you have to bring out the cake from the oven and add another spoonful of cake batter. The process sounds mundane but rather rewarding when there is no Bengawan Solo in USA.

And when you realized you have to use 25 egg yolks and only 5 egg whites, you wonder what are you going to do with the 20 egg whites. Here's the solution, make French Macarons. 

I followed the recipe from Rose's Kitchen. 


These delicate shell-shaped cakes are pleasing to the eyes, deliciously dangerous to pop one after another and best of all, its really easy to make. That is if you managed to find the scallops-shaped molds. Instead of making the classic madeleines, you can also opt to make green-tea, lemon-poppy seed or dark chocolate ones. 

Almond Cookies

They usually make their appearances during Chinese New Year but I just make them whenever I want to. These Almond Cookies just melts in your mouth and before your mind can process the goodness coming from your mouth, your fingers are reaching for the second cookie.

If the recipe comes from a grandma, you can be sure that this Almond Cookies are good.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chocolate French Macarons with Dark Chocolate Ganache

They look like colorful hamburgers. They are not the same as the coconut macaroons. And they are heavenly with their crisp crust and soft chewy interior.

These little macarons are simply irresistible. It takes time to make them and just a bite and its gone. I followed the recipe from David Lebovitz's website. 

There are so many combinations for the macarons' flavors. Do spend some time browsing Tartelette's blog. Or just use your own imagination and come up with your concoctions.